Chapter 6. Basic Editing
Armed with the navigation keybindings you’ve already learned and the ability to enter and leave Insert mode at will, your Vim editing experience is getting pretty close to on par with what you might be used to in non-modal editors.
However, moving around and inserting text is a very small part of the life of a software developer. More often, you need to edit text. Deleting code, changing code, refactoring code, moving code around. It’s the majority of what we do.
Yes, you can do all of these things by navigating to where you want to, and entering Insert mode. The delete and backspace keys do the same thing in Insert mode that they do in other editors. But there are far more efficient tools available.
The best part is that you already know most of what you need to take advantage of very powerful editing commands!
6.1. The Vim Command Mental Model
The navigation commands such as s
and f
and hjkl
and web
that you already
know are collectively known as motion commands. They move the cursor from
its current location to a new location.
Most motion commands can be prefixed with a count, so the navigation model is
always <count><motion>
. A count usually repeats the
motion a certain number of times, although some commands such as Shift-G
“Go to line” will use the count as an absolute value instead. If the count is
blank, the “default” count is typically 1
. Even a Seek command which uses
labels is allowed to be prefixed with a count… although the count will be
The <count><motion>
commands are great for navigation, which is all we’ve
used them for so far, but they can also be combined with a verb to do something
to the text between the cursor and the location the motion would move you to.
Verbs come first, so the structure is always <verb><count><motion>
Navigation is the “default” verb, so if you leave the verb blank (i.e. skip
it), your cursor moves to the location indicated by the motion. We’ll discuss
various important verbs in this chapter.
But the model keeps growing! It turns out, verbs can also be counted. The
syntax becomes <count><verb><count><motion>
. I have never in my life used all
four of those in one command, however. Typically you would either do
or <verb><count><motion>
This model is nice because it allows you to divide and conquer your learning strategy, and reuse knowledge as you study. First you learned motion commands. Then you learned counts. Now you will learn verbs. If you learn new motion commands or new verbs in the future, you can mix them with all the verbs and motions you already know and they should behave in a predictable way.
Various plugins try to mimic this strategy, and, well, most are
successful. My main complaint with Neo-tree is that it doesn’t operate with the
<verb><motion> mental model, while mini.files does. Similarly, some folks
argue that Seek mode violates the Vim mental model because counts don’t make
sense with it. My opinion is that Seek mode simply transcends counts, but it
still combines cleanly with verbs so it is a valid Vim model. |
6.1.1. A Note on Insert Mode
Like all models, this one is not perfect. For example, you can use counts with
the i
, I
, a
, and A
commands, but it’s clear that “enter Insert mode” is
neither a motion nor a verb.
For example, if you type 5ifoo<Escape>
, Neovim will insert foofoofoofoofoo
for you. That may not seem very useful, but if you ever want an 80 character
ruler to underline a heading, 80i*<Escape>
is pretty nifty!
But the <count>i
“not-motion” commands cannot be combined with verbs like
the navigation commands you’ve learned. So it’s important to know the limits
of the model.
So now that you understand how the motions you already know can combine with verbs to perform actions other than navigation, you just need to learn some verbs.
6.2. Deleting Text
I’ve previewed this a couple times already, and even if I hadn’t, you can
probably guess that the verb for deleting text is d
So where <motion>
will take you to a specific location in the code, d<motion>
will delete all the text between the cursor and that location. Here are some
to delete the character to the left of the cursor.d3w
to delete three words.3dw
to delete one word, three separate times.d^
to delete from the cursor to the beginning of the line.d2fe
to delete all text between the cursor location and the seconde
after the cursor, including that seconde
to delete all text between the cursor and the seconda
behind the cursor, not including that seconda
to delete text between the current cursor position and the labels
that pops up when you use Seek mode to seek tofoo
. Note that Seek mode always jumps to the beginning of the word you searched for. This means that if thefoo
you jump to is after the current cursor location, theoo
will not be deleted, but thef
will. But if thefoo
you jump to is before the current cursor location, all three letters offoo
will be deleted.
If any of those are surprising, ignore the d
and refer back to chapter 3 to
refresh your memory of the motions.
So d
will work with all the motion commands you know, as well as all the
motion commands you don’t know yet, and all the motion commands that are
defined by plugins you haven’t yet installed.
When the delete command is completed, Neovim will still be in Normal mode, and
you can immediately perform any other <verb><motion>
6.3. Changing Text
Sometimes you just want to delete text, but another common task is editing text. Replace a word with another word, change spelling, delete the rest of the paragraph and replace it with something new, etc.
This could easily be handled by combining the delete verb with Insert mode (e.g.
will delete a word and enter Insert mode.) However, you can save a
keystroke by using the c
verb, which means “change”. If you replace the
in each of the examples I outlined above with a c
, you will effectively
get “delete the text and immediately enter Insert mode.”
6.4. Operating to End of the Current Line
It is very common to want to delete or change from the cursor position to the end of the current line, leaving the beginning of the line intact. These actions happen more often than you would expect in source code editing, so there is a shortcut for them.
Yes you could d$
and c$
to delete or change to the end of the line, since
is the “jump to end of line” motion. That is the “correct” format for
the mental model. However, because this is such a common operation, you can
“cheat” with one fewer keystrokes and just use the capitalized D
or C
There is no inverse shortcut verb for “delete to the beginning of the
line”, so you’ll have to use d^ or d0 instead, where ^ is the motion to
jump to the first non-blank character and 0 is the motion to jump to the
first column regardless of whether it is blank. |
6.5. Operating on Entire Lines
Another common action is to change or delete an entire line of text. So much so, in fact, that there are special motions for “the whole line”. These motions are accessed by duplicating the verb. This is another place where the mental model kind of breaks down; the interpretation of the motion depends on the verb.
In practice, this just means that dd
deletes an entire line and cc
it and enters Insert mode. These are nice and easy to type, so it makes for a
nice shorthand.
You can combine these bespoke motions with counts. d3d
will delete three
lines, and 3dd
will delete one line three times (which is faster to type
because you don’t have to move your finger off of d
to hit it twice). Yes,
that has the same outcome either way, but the model is such that you can use
either of them. Note that there are situations where the two formats may have
subtly different behaviours, although in practice I have never encountered
6.6. Some Shortcuts for Modifying Individual Characters
Another common operation is to perform a delete or change operation on a single
character or specific number of characters. You could do this using dl
delete the character under the cursor or 4dl
to delete that character and the
three characters that come after it. However, because you do this so often,
there is a shorthand verb that doesn’t have a motion (or rather, the motion is
implied): x
. For example, you can use x
to delete an extraneous u
words like “behaviour” if you prefer American spelling. The single letter
will be deleted, and you’ll be back in Normal mode ready to proceed.
The x
command can be used with a count, so if you want to delete five
characters starting with the one under the cursor, just use 5x
If you need to go the other direction and delete characters before the
cursor, use a capital X
. This, too, can have a count, and it will basically
delete that many characters to the left. I rarely use this, since the shift
brings us up to two keystrokes anyway, and hx
or d4h
is no harder.
If, instead of deleting, you need to replace a character with a different
character, use the r
command. This command will briefly enter Insert mode
while you type one character, then immediately return to Normal mode. Much
fewer keystrokes for a common operation (spelling errors are common, right?
It’s not just me?) than something like cle<Escape>
. Using r
with a count is
possible, but the behaviour is kind of unhelpful: it will replace the character
under the cursor and the <count>
number of characters after that character
with the same letter. The only place I can imagine this being helpful is when
you copy-paste a password prompt from somewhere and need to replace all the
characters in the password with *
Another common operation is deleting the newline at the end of the current
line. Use the J
(“Join Lines”) command from anywhere in the
line. I use this one a lot. If you need to merge multiple consecutive lines
together, J
takes a count. It generally does the right thing around
whitespace (replacing indentation with a single space), but if you need to do a
join without modifying whitespace, use the two-character verb gJ
6.7. Manipulating Case
If you need to convert a character or sequence of characters to uppercase, use
the verb gU
(that’s a shifted U
for the second character) followed by any
standard navigation motion. I find this particular verb frustrating because g
normally assigned to the Go To
motions. In this case, (as with gJ
above) it
is a verb instead.
I guess you can think of it as “Go To and Convert to Uppercase” where U
short for Uppercase
The inverse function to convert all text between the current cursor position
and the motion destination is to use a lowercase gu
before the motion. Kind
of weird to remember, but it does match the common Vim idiom of gu
an action and gU
means the same action BUT BIGGER.
The duplicate commands gUgU
and gugu
do the same thing as other duplicate
verbs, applying the upper/lower case operation to the entire line. It’s a
rather annoying sequence of keypresses, though, so it is probably better to use
Visual mode (which we will cover in Chapter 8) to select a line with V
then apply the Visual mode verbs U
or u
I don’t find these commands very useful. I more frequently use the ~
which inverts the case of the character under the cursor.
If you find yourself doing a lot of case switching work, see Chapter 13
for a discussion of the text-case plugin. |
6.8. Repeating Commands
LazyVim doesn’t have a multiple cursor mode. There are plugins to support multiple cursors, but in my experience they don’t work very well. The Neovim developers have multiple cursors on their roadmap, so I am hoping they will come up with a paradigm that integrates nicely with the Vim mental model.
In the meantime, Neovim provides several different tools available for performing an action in multiple places in your code. We’ll cover basic repetitions here, and other useful techniques in later chapters.
Once you have performed any verb, you can navigate to another place in the
document and repeat that verb with a single keypress: .
(That’s a period,
although you will usually hear it referred to as “dot repeat” in this context).
This highlights why d
and c
need to be separate verbs, as opposed to using
something like d<motion>i
. When you use c
, the delete motion and the
text you inserted is remembered, so you can repeat the entire change with a .
command. For example, if you want to replace all instances of a variable named
with a much better name of index
, you could jump to the first instance of
and type clindex<Escape>
to “change one character to index”. Then you
can use navigation commands to go to the next use of i
. Now just type .
repeat the change and continue to the next instance.
Like motions and verbs, the .
command can be given a count. However, counts
with .
are a little bit nuanced. Rather than blindly repeating the command
number of times, it will instead replace the count of the command
being repeated.
This means that if you use the verb 3dd
to delete three lines, and the next
operation you perform is 2.
(“2 dot”), the second operation will delete two
lines, rather than six.
6.9. Recording Commands
Vim’s command recording and playback system is extremely powerful. You can trivially record an arbitrary sequence of navigation, editing, and insertion commands, then repeat that sequence on demand at any location you want.
To start a recording, press qq
. Sorry, but I have no mnemonic to remember
. I have a feeling it was just the last available key on the keyboard!
After that, type whatever sequence of navigation, editing, and insertion
commands you want to record. Delete words, insert text, change text, search for
words (don’t use Seek mode, as the replay mechanism will have no idea what
label to jump to). Virtually anything you can do in Vim (even :
commands) can
be recorded and replayed later.
When you are finished recording, just press q
again. The recording will be
stored ready for replay whenever you desire.
6.9.1. Appending to a Recording
If you partially complete your recording and then realize you need some more
information or need to make an edit before completing the recording, you can
stop the recording using q
as usual and do the thing you need to do.
When you are ready to continue recording, use qQ
to record in append mode
instead. The main tip here is that you need to make sure your cursor is in a
location such that the merged recording will make sense. This usually means the
same place it was when you stopped recording, although it may depend on what
changes you made in the meantime.
6.9.2. Playing Back a Recording
The easiest and fastest way to play back your most recently saved recording is
with a capital Q
It is possible to store and replace multiple recordings at once using registers (a stupid name for a storage location that harkens back to humanity’s dark days of assembly programming). We will go into more detail about registers in chapter 8. |
6.10. Undo and Redo
Obviously, these are the most important operations in the whole book! Use the
key to undo your most recent change. Note that “most recent change” can be
a pretty big whack of text, especially if you haven’t exited Insert mode for a
while. For example, I wrote this entire paragraph in one Insert session. If I
press u
the entire paragraph will be lost.
That’s ok, though, because I can redo using Control-r
. Like most developers,
I use both of these extensively. (Did you know that in the old days of
typewriters, secretaries had to get 100% accuracy scores on their typing tests?
There was no backspace or delete key, you see).
Neovim actually does an amazing job of keeping track of your entire history, rather than just the most recent suite of changes. So if you make a bunch of changes to get to state B, then undo to state A, and then make a bunch more changes to get to state C, it is still possible to get back to state B (ie: back out of the C changes to state A and go back up the B changes to state B).
It’s kind of the same concept as git branches, except your history is
automatically tracked for every keystroke you make. Working with branches of
undo history using raw Neovim commands can feel pretty clumsy, though (read
through :help undo-branches
if you’re brave). Instead I recommend configuring
and installing the undotree plugin.
About 99.9% of the time, u
and Control-r
will be all you need, but that remaining
0.1% can make undotree
a godsend when you need it.
6.11. Summary
In this chapter, we expanded our understanding of the Vim mental model, and then introduced several verbs that can be combined with the navigation motions we were already familiar with.
We discussed an assortment of other editing commands before covering how to repeat
motions using .
and command recordings. Finally, we covered undo and redo.
In the next chapter, we’ll learn about text objects and some additional nuances of the Vim mental model with operator-pending mode. Combined, these allow us to very quickly perform actions on a huge variety of code constructs.