This is a (Svelte 4) SvelteKit site. Hosting is provided by on a Pico+ account with costs covered by my Patreon donations.

The fonts used are Quicksand and Lora.

Styling tokens are all courtesy of OpenProps. The colour scheme is based on Open Color with the Colar extensions.

Icons are provided by Iconify.

The book is written in Asciidoc (in Lazyvim, of course) and rendered using some custom wrappers around Asciidoctor.

MeltUI provides the Table of Contents and a couple other components.Dexie is used to store chapter history in IndexedDB.

My mailing list provider is Buttondown.

The errata form is hosted by Web3forms.

The site is built with Vite in a Bun environment. The combination takes 7 seconds to build on a 4 year old Imac Pro.

Every single technology mentioned above comes with my whole-hearted recommendation.

Copyright © 2024 Dusty Phillips